2015 Fall Photo Tour of Japan | Tofukuji

Feb 16 | Evan | No Comments |

Japan Photo Guide Fundain 002

After spending time strolling through and photographing Fushimi Inari Taisha, we headed a little north to Tofukuji, a large temple complex famous for Fall Leaves.  If you aren’t great with crowds, you might want to avoid Tofukuji in the Fall though as at some parts it’s just a huge mob in what seems to be limited space, but actually it’s really not that small, just really, really, really, REALLY crowded! Before going into the main complex of Tofukuji, we stopped by one of the gardens along the way, Fundain, certainly the calm before the storm that we were approaching…

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After our moments of zen in Fundain, we headed up to check out and take photos of the Autumn leaves at Tofukuji by inching along with the hoards of visitors also excited to see the famed leaves at this temple.  As much as I love adding people in my photographs, crowds of people wasn’t exactly the look I was going for.There is a route to follow at Tofukuji, so be focusing up and out from the crowds, you would never know how packed Tofukuji was!

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The 2015 Fall Photography Tour of Japan included Tokyo, Kanazawa, Shirakawago, Okayama, Hiroshima, Miyajima and Kyoto!  Interesting in joining your own escorted tour of Japan with Japan Photo Guide?  Contact us to get the planning of your trip to Japan started or join one of the group tours of Japan!