2015 Rice Terrace Tour of Japan | Jufukuji

Jun 15 | Evan | No Comments |


During the day for our group tour of Japan in Sasebo, we decided to visit a small private temple in Nagasaki called Jufukuji in Emukae Town.  During May and again in Autumn, the temple lays down acrylic panels inside to create a water-like reflection of their beautiful Japanese garden and rock garden.  The staff there was really kind to our group and even helped us to take some nice photos with the owner posing for us for a few minutes!


The temple grounds of Jufukuji are small but well kept and interesting, especially when they do the special reflection boards!


For the 2015 Rice Terrace Photo Tour of Japan, we also visited Doya Tanada, Hamanoura Tanada, Warabino Tanada and Mikaeri FallsNijinomatsubara, Ishidake Observatory for Kujukushima and Yumiharidake Observatory for Kujukushima.  Interested in joining a future Tanada Tour of Japan?  Contact me today to start your experience for Japan!